Das Nähkästchen Index

Second day

Posted on 29th Jul 2016

Technical glitch and solution

We started our programm this Saturday exactly at 10:00 AM. Again we found out that Fr. Sylvia Jenull does have some problems with the old home's samrt TV. But this time we were prepared.

We had our laptop, a mobile hard-drive where the medias were saved and also some DVD as a back up source.

We took HDMI cable with us, as Laetitia Pflegeheim's smart TV have an HDMI input. It is always advisable to check what a particular institute or person have in his home before running this kind of programme or show, and then take necessary preparations.

This Saturday we forgot to print out the wish list. The staff who is moderating the program is far more comfortable when there is a print out which they can read, like a cue to run the show.

A short video

During the last visit we had an idea. We thought it would be great to make videos of very ordinary places, where the residents probably frequented and then show it to them. Probably it would make them remember things that they are slowly forgetting.

During Thursday and Friday Villach and most part of the Crainthia experienced heavy snowfall. People say that it is quite extraordinary to have snow at the end of April. The heavy snow was covering up the buds and blooms. Suddenly all the magnificent colors were suddenly hidden under the wet snow.

We decided to record the snowfall in front of Villach's main bridge. As it was also foggy the famous mountain Mittagskogel was also not visible from the bridge.
After the snow came a beautiful sunshine, we also recorded that and also recorded a little part of Villach's city center.

The two minute video was presented in front of the residents, they took part in quite an animated discussion about where these videos were taken.

We got request to make a video of the 'Wörthersee' , Lake Wörther, when we come next time.

The songs

We had new request from the residents, but as the moderator (Fr. Jenull Sylvia) did not have a clue (a printed paper), she was improvising. We started with 'Der Mai ist gekommen'.

During our last two visits we could understand that, these events and shows are kind of a collective experience. Everybody sits together, have a chit chat and then then they sing along with every songs they know. The room suddenly buzzes with beautiful chorus. Therefore the old folk, patriotic songs are very popular during the show.( My German teacher Alarich Geiger once told me, till the late 60's there had been textile factories in The city called Reutlingen in Germany. The workers used to take the same train in the morning to commute and it had been quite common that during the journey the commuters used to sing together all along the way till they reached their work place.)

Our moderator later told us it would be useful to have texts along with the songs, so that it is easy for the residents to get the cue from lyrics.

During the show, one resident called me in private and gave me a little piece of paper.
He explained me Joseph Scmidt, a world famous Tenor, was from his village. He was quite famous during the Nazi era despite being a Jew.He performed in Carnegeie Hall along with other singers, including Grace Moore.

He died in in Switzerland, while being detained in an 'internierungslager' (refugee camp).

Hans told me he is currently reading Josef Schmidt's biography.

it would be great if I could bring some songs from Josef Schmidt.
He also mentioned another Tenor, whose name is Rudolf Schock.

During the show, while we played 'Am Brunnen vor dem Tore' from Schubert's 'Winterreise', we suddenly discovered it is being performed by Rudolf Schock.

I found John started to sing in chorus.

Alles geht vorbei

After the songs, we told Fr. Jenull Sylvia that we copied some of the 'heimatfilme'.

She said it would be great if we start playing 'Die Drei von der Tankstelle'.

While the film was being played, there were lot of discussions about the cast of the film. The name of one of the cators had been 'Hans Moser'.

Fr. Fischer, one of the residents of the Laetitia Pflegeheim, quickly recognized Hans Moser, and animatedly told Fr. Sylvia that , he (Hans Moser) was her neighbour.
She told us there is no difference between Moser's public and private appearance.

I asked her if she (Fr. Fischer) is from Vienna.

She told us, as a refugee she came from Sudetenland (Sudety in Czech). She belonged to the German minority group that was expelled just after the second world war. She told us within 20 minutes her life changed, she was forced to leave her home having only the clothes she was putting on.

Floating, she came to 'Niederösterreich'(Lower Austria) and met her husband. They started living in Vienna since then.
Her husband died few yeras back.
She repeated once or twice that everything can change all of a sudden. I was looking straight at her eyes, and then she finished the conversation with a sweet smile, saying:

'Alles geht vorbei'( everything passes/goes away...)


We are planning to go in the mid of May, probably better prepared than before.

During this visit Mr. Saquib bin Halim (an electronic enginner) from Munich volunteered, downloaded some songs and films and helpes us run the program.
Saquib, one of the members of the Gulmohor community wishes to run this program in Munich.
I would like to ask anyone interested in this project to contact Saquib and initiate 'Das Nähkästchen' in Bavaria!

All Rights Reserved @Gulmohor | 2015. Created By Pranjal Selim.