Artist's Journal Index

Eighth day of the Residency

Posted on 6th Sep 2015








The essence of Storytelling is a tapestry without words...
Stories begin at the end of memory: 
slippage of meanings, fragments, time falling through fingers like sands, holes in the heart, the imaginary gap between past and future--
all is healed and transformed in storytelling. 
Stories objectify one's own experience;
storyteller separate his/her experience from him/her-selves. 
In telling stories you pin down certain truths, a thesis. 
You make up others. 
You start with not a fact, but the memory of a fact, and you carry it forward by threading only those incidents and traces that help to clarify and explain your thesis.
But, raconteur's memory-palace does not evoke meaning but a structure! 
As Walter Benjamin ovserved, the most important and truest storytellers would always be tellers of fairytales and there are, chiefly, 2 kind of fairy tales: 
1. A journey 
2. Protagonist finding him/herselves in a strange town/world 
On 4th September, in a strange town, I told stories of my journey and now you are part of my journey as well...
Photo Credit: Franz Frorian

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