Artist's Journal Index

Second day of the Residency

Posted on 3rd Sep 2015




Enlightenment is a disappointment 
Democracy is a failure
Art is boring ...
and, your neighbour is an immigrant… 
--Ebadur Rahman

'Write To HIm'
A blackboard is placed at Villach's city center. 
Ebad Ebad, invited by Gulmoher Carnival Association wrote a few lines addressed to the general public on the blackboard. 
Then volunteers would carry it to different places at certain times. 
The idea is to interact with the general public in mundane and ordinary settings and announce a presence which they may or may not like or desire…
Every hour photograph of this blackboard would be taken, and these photos would be shared in social medias and Gulmoher Association's website.

2nd day of Residency
1. Film show of Atrocity Exhibition at CaravanSerai 
2. Location scouting for K3's VDO
3. Dumpster diving for a 1 2/1 meter mirror 
4. South Indian lunch at a dear friend's place while planning the next project
5. Finalising tomorrow's program 
6. Day-end's meeting
Thanks to Franz Florian, and Amuthavalli Tuma for the wonderful and inspiring day.


All Rights Reserved @Gulmohor | 2015. Created By Pranjal Selim.